Functional Constipation in Pediatrics
Constipation is a common disease and one of the most frequent reasons of visits in pediatric clinics, complications related to constipation denote an inadequate diagnosis and/or treatment. This article is addressed for physicians who provide care to children with functional constipation and, it proposes in a practical manner how to diagnose this problem, emphasizing the essential information that should be obtained from the clinical history and from the workup helpful for its diagnosis.
The “bowel management program” is the proposed treatment; this pro- gram has a rate success higher than 90%, even, in patients with severe chronic constipation with frequent relapses and multiple treatments.
Cómo citar
De la Torre Mondragón, L., & Hernández Vez, G. (1). Functional Constipation in Pediatrics. Acta Pediátrica De México, 35(5), 411-422.
Artículo de revisión
Derechos de autor 2015 Acta Pediátrica de México

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