Early acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Mexican children with cystic fibrosis

  • Adriana E Bustamante Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leòn
  • Lourdes Mascareñas-Martinez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Lucia T. Fernández Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Gloria M González Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Roberto Mercado Longoria Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


INTRODUCTION: Chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is associated with a greater deterioration of pulmonary function, increase in hospitalizations and shorter survival in patients with cystic fibrosis.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the age of first detection of P. aeruginosa, effectiveness of the eradication treatment and prevalence of other pathogens in airway cultures.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cohort of patients with CF diagnosed within first year of life, who had follow-up at University Hospital was studied. Respiratory cultures were obtained quarterly. Patients with infection by P. aeruginosa received eradication treatment.

RESULTS: Thirty-five patients were included. During follow-up, 608 cultures were performed. In 34.7%, normal flora was detected, S. aureus 32.8%, P. aeruginosa 20.4%. Median age at first positive culture was 9 months. Eradication was achieved in 81.8%.

CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of patients with cystic fibrosis, the acquisition of P. aeruginosa is earlier than in other groups reported in literature.


Biografía del autor/a

Adriana E Bustamante, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leòn

Neumologa Pediatra 

Clinica de fibrosis quistica

Servicio de Neumologia

Hospital Universitario Josè E Gonzàlez

Lourdes Mascareñas-Martinez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Neumologa Pediatra

Servicio de Neumología 

Hospital Universitario Jose E. González

Lucia T. Fernández, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Servicio de Medicina Interna

Hospital Universitario José E. González

Gloria M González, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Departamento de Microbiologia

Hospital Universitario José E González

Roberto Mercado Longoria, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Servicio de Neumologia 

Hospital Universitario José E. González


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Cómo citar
Bustamante, A., Mascareñas-Martinez, L., Fernández, L., González, G., & Mercado Longoria, R. (2020). Early acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Mexican children with cystic fibrosis. Acta Pediátrica De México, 41(4), 159-164. https://doi.org/10.18233/APM41No4pp159-1641949
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