Anemia frequency in children living at Andean high altitude in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia

  • David Israel Garrido-Salazar Universidad de la República del Uruguay
  • Santiago Moisés Garrido-Salazar Hospital General del IESS Ibarra, Ecuador.
  • Gina Vivas-Armas Hospital de Especialidades de las Fuerzas Armadas, Quito, Ecuador.


OBJECTIVE: To establish the frequency of anemia among children living in the Andean region of Ecuador, Perú, and Bolivia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A transversal descriptive study based on the risk association of anemia in children between 6 and 59 months living in the Andean region, through a secondary source published by institutions of health from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

RESULTS: A total of 155,007 children were included; 65,161 living in the Andean region. Anemia was observed in 46.69 to 60.59% in the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Opposing, in low-lying regions varied from 33.96 to 43.37%. Anemia was more prevalent in the high altitude, regarding to severe anemia, the risk association was significant in Andean Region of Ecuador during 2013 (OR:4.98; p<0.01) and 2014 (OR:5.32; p<0.01), Bolivia (OR:4.65; p<0.01), and Peru (OR:1.78; p<0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: A higher frequency of anemia was evident in children residing in the Andean region of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. However, although a significant risk association was demonstrated, this could be a multifactorial phenomenon that requires more detailed investigation.


Cómo citar
Garrido-Salazar, D., Garrido-Salazar, S., & Vivas-Armas, G. (2019). Anemia frequency in children living at Andean high altitude in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Acta Pediátrica De México, 40(6), 305-317.
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