Essentials for a pediatrician’s office
The pediatrician’s office should be the place parents come in search of a professional service to help them in caring for their children. There they should find: clear and expert guidance on integral prevention and monitoring their child’s growth and development;precise and immediate solutions to their children’s medical problems; companionship and objective advice on issues related to childcare, qualified and reputable support for
managing the different issues inherent to each stage of children’s physical, emotional, and social development. To achieve that the service must be of high quality and fairly compensated.
General Law on Healthcare: Articles: 3, 5, 34, 46, 47, 78, 79,
and 200bis.
Regulations to the General Law on Healthcare in matters of
provision of medical care services.
NOM-178-SSA1-1998. Minimum requisites for infrastructure
and outfitting of establishments for medical care of ambulatory
NOM-005-SSA3-2010. Minimum requisites for infrastructure and
outfitting for medical care of ambulatory patients.
NOM-197-SSA1-2000. Minimum requisites for hospitals and
consulting rooms offering specialized medical care.
NOM-004-SSA3-2012. Clinical records.
NOM-233-SSA1-2003. Architectural requisites to facilitate access,
traffic, use, and permanence of disabled persons in
establishments offering ambulatory and hospital medical
care in the National Healthcare System.
NOM-087-ECOL-1995 Requisites for separation, packaging,
storage, collection, transport, treatment, and final disposal
of hazardous biological-infectious waste generated at
establishments that provide medical care.
Derechos de autor 2015 Acta Pediátrica de México

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