Diagnosis and treatment of nonorganic enuresis in children: Clinical practice guideline

  • Luis Guillermo Meave-Cueva Centro Médico ABC Santa Fe
  • Rosalía Garza-Elizondo Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
  • Luisa Díaz-García Instituto Nacional de Pediatría


Background: Bedwetting is an involuntary urination during sleep at the age of 5 years or older. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) have been developed to improve decision-making strategies and standardize medical practice. The Ministry of health in Mexico developed the CPG diagnosis and treatment of non-organic enuresis at the first level of prevention in children. Its evidence is evaluated with the USPSTF (United States Preventive Services Task Force). Material and methods: Original articles that justify the evidence of Mexican CPG were sought and identified in virtual libraries: Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library plus, and then analyzed with the instrument of the USPSTF.

Results: Sixty articles were reviewed. They’re the basis for evidence formulation of the Mexican CPG. Only nine articles were level I, adequately powered and well conducted trials and recommendation Grade A, with a substantial net profit. Evidences that were substantial fed by these articles obtained the highest scores.

Discussion: The methodological rigor of the original articles that support the CPG is highly variable. This instrument is meant to evaluate the evidence of the guide but is far from being a reflection of the rigor in the development and applicability of Mexican CPG.

Biografía del autor/a

Luis Guillermo Meave-Cueva, Centro Médico ABC Santa Fe
Pediatric emergency physician.
Luisa Díaz-García, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
Research Methodology


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Cómo citar
Meave-Cueva, L., Garza-Elizondo, R., & Díaz-García, L. (2014). Diagnosis and treatment of nonorganic enuresis in children: Clinical practice guideline. Acta Pediátrica De México, 35(1), 15-21. https://doi.org/10.18233/APM35No1pp13-18
Artículo original